Monday, November 06, 2006

Long Hair is Cool, pt. 2

I am interrupting my pictures and recollections of my recent trip to Scotland for an update on Sonny Boy. The avid reader might remember a post not too long ago about Sonny Boy's quest for long, beautiful hair (and not to be a nerd). His school pictures just came back, as you can see. At least he had combed his hair. It is a shame that his best feature (those big, beautiful blue eyes) were hidden behind the veil of very straight hair. But at least his hair was clean.

Sonny Boy has had a hair cut since, but this picture will be around for many, many years to come.


restless said...

This is absolutley hilarious and can be used against him for MANY years to come, not the least of which is a rehersal dinner gig!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like that sheep dog look. Tell Sonny Boy to maintain his healthy eating habits and remember to eat every carrot and pea on his plate. Wait, that didn't sound right. Forget I even wrote it. Love, GNUC

Edgy Mama said...

This is high-larious! I can't believe the photog actually took the shot!